Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Worse Than A Trip To The DMV

Making fun of the endless drudgery involved in getting a new driver's license has become a hoary cliche.

Well, here's a new approach: something worse!

Massachusetts officials are warning of a new scam that plays on the fact that the state calls its agency the RMV, not the DMV. According to InformationWeek, "The malicious sites are set up to closely resemble the official site, duping users into inputting personal information, along with credit card payments. They also purport to charge users extra for doing business online."

Apparently, the state had to shut its official RMV site until it figured out what was going on...

1 comment:

  1. Having personally experienced the Commonwealth's civil servants in action (registering my car, updating my driver's license, etc) and done same at other states (namely Illinois), I can only say, "couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of bureaucrats..." We used to call it the "Registry Game" because it always took more than one "spin" to get all the paperwork in order AND hit the registry when everyone wasn't "on break."
